Exchange disk statistics

Here is a tip how to gather disk statistics such as
CapacityGB, FreeSpaceGB, FreeSpace% for all disks in your Exchange organization.

$vols = @()
Get-ExchangeServer | % { 
$comp = $_.Name
$vols += Get-WmiObject -computername $comp -query "select Name, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace,   Capacity, Label from Win32_Volume where DriveType = 2 or DriveType = 3" | select @{Name='Server';Expression={$comp}},Label,Name,@{Name='CapacityGB';Expression={$_.Capacity/1GB}},@{Name='FreeSpaceGB';Expression={$_.FreeSpace/1GB}},@{Name='FreeSpace%';Expression={($_.FreeSpace*100)/$_.Capacity}}
$vols | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -path "E:\ExchangeDiskreport.csv"


KPCS is finalist in Microsoft Awards 2014 wordwide!

I am proud to announce, that company I work for KPCS.CZ is second worldwide in Server platform implementation projects category. Besides this nice placement we won 3 categories in Czech Republic and once we are finalist.

So total 5 awards within 1 year! What the great success!

More here:




Log Search script

This is just a small easy script to search log content in defined location and time range for string value. If you know what to search in many log files, it can help you to narrow search.

#Author: Zbynek Salon
#Path to search
$path = "D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\FrontEnd\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive"
#What to search (the best would be for example e-mail address for some SMTP log)
$str = "PRX5"
#Range (Start must be lower then end)
$start = "5/25/2014 8:00AM"
$end = "5/28/2014 9:00AM"
Get-ChildItem $path | where {($_.LastWriteTime -gt $Start) -and ($_.LastWriteTime -lt $End)} | foreach {$_
 $x = Get-Content -Path "$($path)\$_"
 if ($x -like "*$($str)*"){Write-Host "$_ contains $($str)" -ForegroundColor Green}

Script to gather FullAccess and SendAs permissions

I wrote this script to gather FullAccess and SendAs permissions to divide mailboxes into logical batches. May be somebody find it helpful.

#Purpose of this script is to gather full access and Send-As permissions of all mailboxes in organization
#Author: Zbynek Salon
#importing needed module
Import-Module Servermanager
$out = @()
$path = "c:\temp\FASA.txt"
$out +="Identity-email;Full Access;Send AS"
set-adserversettings -ViewEntireForest $true
#gathering info
$list = Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select alias,displayname,primarysmtpaddress,userprincipalname,distinguishedname
$i = 0
Foreach ($line in $list){
$sa = $null
$fa = $null
$fa = get-mailbox "$($line.distinguishedname)" | get-mailboxpermission | where {($_.IsInherited -like $false) -and ($_.accessrights -like "*Full*") -and ($_.user -notlike "*SELF*")}
$sa = get-mailbox "$($line.distinguishedname)" | get-adpermission | where {($_.extendedrights -like "*Send*") -and ($_.IsInherited -like $false) -and ($_.Deny -like $false)  -and ($_.user -notlike "*SELF*")}
Write-host "°°°°°°°°°°°°°°$($line.alias)"
#Full Access section
write-host "Full Access $($line.displayname)"
if ($fa -ne $null){
$fapo = "FA:"
            foreach ($fap in $fa){
                #query object from AD using LDAP (translate SID to DN)
                $o = [adsi]"LDAP://<SID=$($fap.user.securityidentifier)>"
                #query needed properties of AD object (AD object is used to query for all object types
                $o2 = get-adobject "$($o.distinguishedname)" -properties * | select displayname,userprincipalname
                if($o2 -ne $null){
                    $fapo = $fapo + "|$($o2.displayname)*$($o2.userprincipalname)"
                else{$fapo = $fapo + "|NoExist*$($fap.user.securityidentifier)" }
#Send As section
write-host "Send - AS $($line.displayname)"
if ($sa -ne $null){
$sapo = "SA:"
            foreach ($sap in $sa){
                $u = [adsi]"LDAP://<SID=$($sap.user.securityidentifier)>"
                $u2 = get-adobject "$($u.distinguishedname)" -properties * | select displayname,userprincipalname
                if($u2 -ne $null){
                    $sapo = $sapo + "|$($u2.displayname)*$($u2.userprincipalname)"
                else{$sapo = $sapo + "|NoExist*$($fap.user.securityidentifier)" }
$out += "$($line.displayname)*$($line.userprincipalname);$($fapo);$($sapo)"

$out | out-file "$($path)"

DirSync to Office 365 synchronization failed – Event ID:6126, Event ID:109, Event ID:6801, Event ID:6803, Event ID:6110

I have faced problems with Dirsync synchronization with the following Event IDs:6126,0,109,6801,6803,6110,0


Password reset for Dirsync cloud account and its configuration in MIIS client.


Here is, what I have found in the event log

1. Event ID 6126

Synchronization has beedo done but changes of the rules occured

2. Event ID 109

Error statest, that synchronization didn´t perform and that change password might help

3. Event IDs 6801,6803

States the same as Event ID 109. Authentication failure and final state that error has occued.

4. Event ID 6110

Watermark of delta synchronization was not saved.

5. Password needs to be changed in the cloud

Just logon to the cloud and change password via WEB interface

6. Password never expires

As additional stem I have set password to never expire to prevent these problems to occur again
010-password change

7. Set new password in DirSync

In the Windows Azure Active Directory connector you should set new password.

8. OK
