Script to run and collect all Exchange performance counters from your environment to server running the tool

Script runs the remote PowerShell session against all Exchange servers, copies the Experfwiz utility to each one and runs performance counters for the time defined by administrator and exports results to the folder, from which it was run.

1. Copy ExPerfWiz.ps1 from: to some server running Exchange Management Shell to c:\ExchangeHealthCheck
2. Run the script
3. Enter Organization Admin Credentials
4. will be asked to confirm to run perfmon on each server


#Author: Zbynek Salon

#Description: This is small script to collect performace counters from All servrers in your environment to single folder on the server running perfwiz.

#Variables experfwiz

$date = get-date

$UserCredential = Get-Credential

$experfwizstart = $date.AddHours(1)

$experfwizduration = "04:00:00"

$experfwizinterval = 5

$experfwizserver = hostname

$experfwizfilepath = "\\$($experfwizserver)\c$\ExchangeHealthCheck" # zmeneno z c:...

$experfwizmaxsize = 512


#Performance counters

$localhost = hostname

$script = get-content "\\$($localhost)\c$\ExchangeHealthCheck\experfwiz.ps1"

$exservers = get-exchangeserver

 foreach ($exsvr in $exservers){

 Write-Host "Processing Exchange server $($exsvr.fqdn) ...."

 Invoke-Command -computername $exsvr.fqdn -ScriptBlock {

 #copying script to EXBIN

 Write-Host "Copying PerfWiz to $($args[1])."

 Test-Path $args[1]

 $exinstall = $args[1]

 $x = $args[0] 

 $x | out-file "$($exinstall)Scripts\experfwiz.ps1"

 Start-Sleep 1

 Write-Host "Importing Exchange PS Session." 

 $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "http://$($args[8])/PowerShell/" -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $args[9] -AllowRedirection

 Import-PSSession $Session

 cd "$($exinstall)Scripts"

 Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Confirm:$false

 .\experfwiz.ps1 -delete #-FilePath $args[5] -Server $args[6] -MaxSize $args[7]

 .\experfwiz.ps1 -Duration "$($args[3])" -interval "$($args[4])" -FilePath "$($args[5])" #-Server "$($args[6])" #-MaxSize $args[7]

 #running perfmon

 } -ArgumentList $script, $exinstall, $experfwizstart, $experfwizduration, $experfwizinterval, $experfwizfilepath, $experfwizserver, $experfwizmaxsize, $exsvr.fqdn, $usercredential



The script can be downloaded from my OneDrive:

Outlook 2013 shows only Online Archive while connected to Office 365

This is just a quick heads up. It started to happen in some environments after last Office 2013 patch in mid January 2015. When Outlook 2013 is restarted after patching, it shows only Online Archive, no primary mailbox and user is unable to send e-mails.

Root cause:

It has not yet been defined, however fix is to disable MAPI over HTTPS on affected client, so I suppose it will be network device, which does not understand MAPI over HTTPS protocol.

Temporary fix:

When changing the below registry key (disable MAPI/HTTP and re-enable RPC/HTTP), the problem disappears:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\MapiHttpDisabled = 1 DWORD

 Permanent fix:

Install Exchange 2013 CU7.